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Isabella Ribeiro

Spinning through time'n'space in a slightly tilted spaceship.

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In my latest post I talked about being ready to implement some fresh mockups but, unfortunately, they were not ready at that time. Although there was a certain effort do finish the designs before the new year's eve, it couldn't be done.

Now that the holidays have passed and the lives are almost back on track, I finally have a mockup of a feature that I'm going to implement to show you! Yay!!

Connection popover redesigned.

I would like to thank everybody involved in this mockup, you rock! ;D

As you can see, I'm going to redesign the connection dialog in order to provide easier feedback about the connection. At first, it seems simple, I already worked with dialogs (which is also called popovers) while correcting bugs on polari. As always, there are some things to be implemented that seems to be tricky, but let's try not to figure out everything at once.

Since I've got a lot of work to do, I'm gonna leave you with this. See you soon earthlings!